The Most Effective Mystery Shopping Programs

Dissatisfied customers tell an average of 10 people about their bad experience. One in five tells 20 people. It’s painfully obvious what this can do to your bank’s reputation and profitability. But what can you do to build customer loyalty and avoid this erosion? How...

CUSTOMER SERVICE: Four rules to follow

This article from reviews the principles outlined in the book Innovating Analytics, by Larry Freed, a customer experience and analytics expert. The author proposes four rules for enhancing customer loyalty. 1. Customer retention should be priority one...

The 3 Ways to Select the Best Mystery Shopping Firm

Quality – Speed – Price. These are the top priorities of clients searching for a mystery shopping firm. 1. Quality – Look for an established mystery shopping firm which is a member of its trade association – the Mystery Shopping Professionals Association (MSPA). MSPA...