Customer Experience

Why Choose Us
Why Improving Customer Experience Matters


The Best Choice For Customer Experience Improvement

Our sole focus is delivering high-quality mystery shopping services to measure and help your employees deliver exceptional customer service. This is the key component to improving the customer experience.

That’s why we custom design your customer experience improvement program (CEIP) for each engagement. Your company’s opportunities for improving customer experience are unique, so a one-size-fits-all, cookie cutter solution isn’t the best solution for you.

Great Service

Reaps Ongoing Benefits

Good service is not just something your customers expect and pay attention to; it’s also something they’re willing to pay for:

  • An American Express survey showed that seventy percent (70%) of customers say they are willing to spend up to 13% more for excellent customer service.
  • A study by IB and eConsultancy showed that 69 percent of brands think they’re providing superior customer experience, but only 31 percent of customers agree.

Experience The

Customer Perspectives Difference

The advantages of working with Customer Perspectives are many:

  • Custom-designed forms, customer satisfaction surveys and data summaries are standard.
  • We have an extensive nationwide database of experience shoppers with excellent writing and reporting skills.
  • Each report or survey is reviewed for accuracy, consistency and completeness; if it doesn’t meet our standards, we re-shop the location at our expense.
  • Your designated staff can access individual shopper reports and data summaries 24/7.
  • Automated email alerts can be sent when shops are completed, scores are above or below specified levels, or when customer service feedback questions receive specified answers.

Our Promise

We are fanatical about delivering outstanding customer service – we think you should expect that from a company that specializes in customer service feedback to improve customer service and customer experience. If you’re not completely satisfied with the quality of a mystery shopper report, we offer a money-back guarantee.

Get In Touch

4 + 3 =

875-A Island Drive, P.O. Box 285
Alameda, CA 94502
