Our Services

Mystery Shopping

Our brand’s image is everything and your competitive advantage comes from the service expectations you demand of your people.

Mystery Shoppping

Our Signature Service

Your brand’s image is everything and your competitive advantage comes from the service expectations you demand of your people. You invested time and money making sure they know precisely how to present your company to the public. Using Customer Perspectives’s years of experience and research, we will work closely with you to develop a survey that is both actionable and focuses on the customer experience expectations you have trained to accomplish. Our sophisticated scheduling and editing tools, error-checking, mobile and traditional entry methods, complex question logic, geo-tagging and amazing automation give you real results you need for executive decision making. Our initial setup includes the creation of customized reports to best summarize your data. This includes a software training session and technical support. Access all your data in one easy-to-navigate Mystery Shop Dashboard, complete with hierarchical access for every authorized user. View graphs, charts, stack rankings, and more. Drill-down to specific sections and question-by-question views. Using custom reports, images, audio files and more available on demand, you can get a handle on the state of your brand when you need it. And with custom profile settings, you can have your reports emailed to you automatically and even receive text notifications whenever a new one comes in.

Dashboard Benefits Include:


Customizable Reports


Custom User Profiles


Email Notifications


Text Notifications (High Score, Low Score, Both or Neither)


Real-Time Data


Raw Data Exporting


Multiple Data Channels (Mystery Shops, Comment Cards, Audits & Surveys)


Email Visit Reports to Anyone


View Shop Images and Play Audio Files While Reviewing the Results

Mystery Shoppping

Telephone Mystery Shops

Certain evaluations demand that you hear the voice of your employee – and our recorded call shops deliver. From dial tone to dial tone, the entire conversation is recorded and automatically attached to the mystery shop report – allowing both shoppers, editors and you to hear every syllable uttered. This provides more than just flawlessly accurate shops, it also gives you a phenomenal training tool to share with your team. Another powerful way to leverage telephony is for Surveys: Initiate outbound calls (automated OR live) to a targeted audience and get even more customer data. From Post-Purchase Satisfaction surveys to market research in advance of a new product launch, our system delivers. Discover where your customers spend their money, where they shop, who they are and what they like – immediately. And if you want their responses recorded, we can do that too.

Benefits Include:


Low Cost Per Minute


Fast & Easy Survey Generation


Superior Sound Quality


Highly-Targeted Samples


Integrated Recordings


Multiple Audio File Capability


Real-Time Results


Supports Automated & Live Calls

Get In Touch

6 + 13 =

875-A Island Drive, P.O. Box 285
Alameda, CA 94502

